Day 20 Jurassic Jigsaw
This is my attempt to solve Day 20.
process_file <- function(file) {
f <- read_file(file) %>%
str_trim() %>%
str_remove_all("\r") %>%
str_split("\n\n") %>%
pluck(1) %>%
t <- f %>%
map(1) %>%
f %>%
set_names(t) %>%
map(~ str_extract_all(.x[-1], ".", simplify = TRUE))
sample <- process_file("samples/day_20_sample.txt")
actual <- process_file("inputs/day_20_input.txt")
20.1 Part 1
We can solve part 1 by looking which pieces have edges that don’t have any matches to other pieces.
get_edges <- function(.x) c(
paste(.x[ 1, 1:10], collapse = ""),
paste(.x[ 1, 10:1], collapse = ""),
paste(.x[10, 1:10], collapse = ""),
paste(.x[10, 10:1], collapse = ""),
paste(.x[1:10, 1], collapse = ""),
paste(.x[10:1, 1], collapse = ""),
paste(.x[1:10, 10], collapse = ""),
paste(.x[10:1, 10], collapse = "")
find_corners <- function(edges) {
names(edges)[imap(edges, function(.x, .i) {
other_edges <- flatten_chr(edges[names(edges) != .i])
length(other_edges[other_edges %in% .x])
}) == 4]
We can now simply find the corner pieces for our input.
part_1 <- function(input) {
edges <- map(input, get_edges)
corners <- find_corners(edges)
We can run this function with the sample data:
## [1] TRUE
We can now run this with our actual data:
## [1] 174206308298779
20.2 Part 2
We now need to fully construct the image. First we can produce a function which takes a piece and returns all of the 8 reflections and rotations of that image (identity, 90/180/270 degree rotations, horizontal/vertical reflections and the corner-to-corner reflections).
get_rotations_and_reflections <- function(i) {
rot90 <- function(m) {
matrix(m[matrix(c(rep(10:1, each = 10),
rep(1:10, 10)),
ncol = 2)],
ncol = 10,
nrow = 10)
ret <- list(i = i)
ret$a <- rot90(i) # 90 deg
ret$b <- rot90(ret$a) # 180 deg
ret$c <- rot90(ret$b) # 270 deg
ret$d <- i[1:10, 10:1] # horizontal reflection
ret$e <- i[10:1, 1:10] # vertical reflection
ret$f <- rot90(rot90(rot90(ret$d))) # TLBR reflection
ret$g <- rot90(rot90(rot90(ret$e))) # BLTR reflection
We also can create a function like the function for finding corners to find the outside edges.
find_outside_edges <- function(edges) {
names(edges)[imap(edges, function(.x, .i) {
other_edges <- flatten_chr(edges[names(edges) != .i])
length(other_edges[other_edges %in% .x])
}) == 6]
Solving part 2 is now pretty tedious. First, we find the corners and outside edges. We select a corner and place it in the top left corner.
Then, we iterate from left to right on the top row finding the single piece that matches (hoping that there are unique pieces and we don’t need to implement a backtracking algorithm). We then can find the next corner piece and repeat for for the other edges.
Once we have found the edges, we can fill in the inside of the image, and then we can construct the image without the borders.
Then we can simply move from left to right, top to bottom scanning for the sea monsters. If we find a sea monster we can decrease a counter.
We simply return the counter as the final result.
part_2 <- function(input) {
size <- sqrt(length(input))
edges <- map(input, get_edges)
corners <- find_corners(edges)
outside_edges <- find_outside_edges(edges)
inside_pieces <- names(edges) %>%
discard(~ .x %in% c(corners, outside_edges))
all_orientations <- map(input, get_rotations_and_reflections)
full_map_pieces <- matrix("", nrow = size, ncol = size)
full_map_orientations <- matrix("", nrow = size, ncol = size)
# complete top row
# pick top left corner, choose first corner
tl <- corners[[1]]
# remove this corner
corners <- corners[-1]
tl_outside_edges <- edges[[tl]] %>%
discard(~ .x %in% flatten_chr(edges[names(edges) != tl]))
# we will find two options here, one will just be a reflecion in the diagonal
# so we can discard
tlo <- all_orientations[[tl]] %>%
keep(~ paste(.x[1,], collapse = "") %in% tl_outside_edges) %>%
keep(~ paste(.x[,1], collapse = "") %in% tl_outside_edges) %>%
names() %>%
full_map_pieces[1, 1] <- j <- tl
full_map_orientations[1, 1] <- k <- tlo
# now, fill in top row: assumes a single result is found
for (i in 2:(size - 1)) {
t <- paste(all_orientations[[j]][[k]][,10], collapse = "")
r <- all_orientations[outside_edges] %>%
map_depth(2, ~paste(.x[,1], collapse = "")) %>%
map(keep, ~.x == t) %>%
discard(~length(.x) == 0)
stopifnot(length(r) == 1, length(r[[1]]) == 1)
full_map_pieces[1, i] <- j <- names(r)
full_map_orientations[1, i] <- k <- names(r[[1]])
# remove edge
outside_edges <- outside_edges[outside_edges != j]
# add in top right corner
t <- paste(all_orientations[[j]][[k]][,10], collapse = "")
r <- all_orientations[corners] %>%
map_depth(2, ~paste(.x[,1], collapse = "")) %>%
map(keep, ~.x == t) %>%
discard(~length(.x) == 0)
stopifnot(length(r) == 1, length(r[[1]]) == 1)
full_map_pieces[1, size] <- j <- names(r)
full_map_orientations[1, size] <- k <- names(r[[1]])
# remove corner
corners <- corners[corners != j]
# yuck, repeat for right, then bottom, then bottom
for (i in 2:(size - 1)) {
t <- paste(all_orientations[[j]][[k]][10,], collapse = "")
r <- all_orientations[outside_edges] %>%
map_depth(2, ~paste(.x[1,], collapse = "")) %>%
map(keep, ~.x == t) %>%
discard(~length(.x) == 0)
stopifnot(length(r) == 1, length(r[[1]]) == 1)
full_map_pieces[i, size] <- j <- names(r)
full_map_orientations[i, size] <- k <- names(r[[1]])
# remove edge
outside_edges <- outside_edges[outside_edges != j]
# add in bottom right corner
t <- paste(all_orientations[[j]][[k]][10,], collapse = "")
r <- all_orientations[corners] %>%
map_depth(2, ~paste(.x[1,], collapse = "")) %>%
map(keep, ~.x == t) %>%
discard(~length(.x) == 0)
stopifnot(length(r) == 1, length(r[[1]]) == 1)
full_map_pieces[size, size] <- j <- names(r)
full_map_orientations[size, size] <- k <- names(r[[1]])
# remove corner
corners <- corners[corners != j]
# do bottom row
for (i in (size - 1):2) {
t <- paste(all_orientations[[j]][[k]][,1], collapse = "")
r <- all_orientations[outside_edges] %>%
map_depth(2, ~paste(.x[,10], collapse = "")) %>%
map(keep, ~.x == t) %>%
discard(~length(.x) == 0)
stopifnot(length(r) == 1, length(r[[1]]) == 1)
full_map_pieces[size, i] <- j <- names(r)
full_map_orientations[size, i] <- k <- names(r[[1]])
# remove edge
outside_edges <- outside_edges[outside_edges != j]
# bottom left corner is last remaining now. We just need to find it's
# orientation
t <- paste(all_orientations[[j]][[k]][,1], collapse = "")
r <- all_orientations[corners] %>%
map_depth(2, ~paste(.x[,10], collapse = "")) %>%
map(keep, ~.x == t) %>%
discard(~length(.x) == 0)
stopifnot(length(r) == 1, length(r[[1]]) == 1)
full_map_pieces[size, 1] <- j <- names(r)
full_map_orientations[size, 1] <- k <- names(r[[1]])
# finally, fill in left edge
for (i in (size - 1):2) {
t <- paste(all_orientations[[j]][[k]][1,], collapse = "")
r <- all_orientations[outside_edges] %>%
map_depth(2, ~paste(.x[10,], collapse = "")) %>%
map(keep, ~.x == t) %>%
discard(~length(.x) == 0)
stopifnot(length(r) == 1, length(r[[1]]) == 1)
full_map_pieces[i, 1] <- j <- names(r)
full_map_orientations[i, 1] <- k <- names(r[[1]])
# remove edge
outside_edges <- outside_edges[outside_edges != j]
# now, fill in centre.
for (i in 2:(size - 1)) {
for (j in 2:(size - 1)) {
aj <- full_map_pieces[i, j - 1]
ak <- full_map_orientations[i, j - 1]
a <- paste(all_orientations[[aj]][[ak]][,10], collapse = "")
bj <- full_map_pieces[i - 1, j]
bk <- full_map_orientations[i - 1, j]
b <- paste(all_orientations[[bj]][[bk]][10,], collapse = "")
r <- all_orientations[inside_pieces] %>%
map(keep, ~paste(.x[,1], collapse = "") == a) %>%
map(keep, ~paste(.x[1,], collapse = "") == b) %>%
discard(~length(.x) == 0)
stopifnot(length(r) == 1, length(r[[1]]) == 1)
full_map_pieces[i, j] <- names(r)
full_map_orientations[i, j] <- names(r[[1]])
# remove edge
inside_pieces <- inside_pieces[inside_pieces != full_map_pieces[i, j]]
# we can now reconstruct the image: we need to remove the border's from the images
image <- matrix(nrow = size * 8, ncol = size * 8)
for (i in 1:size) {
for (j in 1:size) {
istart <- (i - 1) * 8
jstart <- (j - 1) * 8
aj <- full_map_pieces[i, j ]
ak <- full_map_orientations[i, j]
current <- all_orientations[[aj]][[ak]][2:9, 2:9]
image[istart:(istart + 7) + 1, jstart:(jstart + 7) + 1] <- current
sea_monster <- local({
t <- c(" # ",
"# ## ## ###",
" # # # # # # ") %>%
str_extract_all(".", simplify = TRUE)
which(t == "#", TRUE) - 1
# iterate over the image, count how many cells are sea monsters
count <- sum(image == "#")
# hard code in size of sea monster
for (i in 1:(nrow(image) - 3)) {
for (j in 1:(ncol(image) - 20)) {
ix <- sea_monster
ix[,1] <- ix[,1] + i
ix[,2] <- ix[,2] + j
t <- image[ix] == "#"
if (all(t)) {
count <- count - sum(t)
We can run the function now on the sample:
## [1] 273
And we can run for our actual data:
## [1] 2409
This felt rather tedious and procedural, perhaps there is a neater solution. Improvements could be made to my code by extracting some of the repeated logic into functions.
Elapsed Time: 2.218s