Day 12 Rain Risk

This is my attempt to solve Day 12.

sample <- read_lines("samples/day_12_sample.txt")
actual <- read_lines("inputs/day_12_input.txt")

12.1 Part 1

Today’s task could be a tedious series of if else statements. Instead I will use Object-Orientated Programming and the s3 class system. I will strip the initial input to just be the number, but I will give each of the inputs a class of “N”, “E”, “W”, “S”, “F”, “R”, or “L”.

split_instructions <- function(input) {
      d = str_sub(input, 1, 1),
      n = as.integer(str_sub(input, 2))
  ) %>%
    map(function(.x) {
      structure(.x$n, class = .x$d)

isample <- split_instructions(sample)
iactual <- split_instructions(actual)
## [[1]]
## [1] 10
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "F"
## [[2]]
## [1] 3
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "N"
## [[3]]
## [1] 7
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "F"
## [[4]]
## [1] 90
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "R"
## [[5]]
## [1] 11
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "F"

First, let’s define the initial state:

initial_state <- list(direction = "E", position = c(0, 0))

We now need to create a function called that will run an instruction: I will call this function inst. It will take as argument the object itself (n), this will contain the number from the input. It will also take the current state.

inst <- function(n, state) {

Now we need to implement a method for each of the classes. Let’s start with the N/E/S/W classes. These methods are pretty simple, we just need to add on n to the current position.

# create a helper function that the other functions use
inst_NESW_helper <- function(state, p) {
  state$position <- state$position + p

inst.N <- function(n, state) inst_NESW_helper(state, c( n,  0))
inst.E <- function(n, state) inst_NESW_helper(state, c( 0,  n))
inst.S <- function(n, state) inst_NESW_helper(state, c(-n,  0))
inst.W <- function(n, state) inst_NESW_helper(state, c( 0, -n))

The L/R functions are slightly more tricky, but, looking at the actual data there are only 3 different angles that are turned:

actual %>% str_subset("L|R") %>% str_remove("L|R") %>% unique()
## [1] "90"  "180" "270"

We can create our function now. This time, we our helper function will just rotate the direction that we are facing.

inst_LR_helper <- function(state, r) {
  directions <- c("N", "E", "S", "W")
  current <- which(state$direction == directions) - 1
  next_direction <- (current + r / 90) %% 4
  state$direction = directions[[next_direction + 1]]

# L turns anti-clockwise, so we can turn it into a clockwise rotation
inst.L <- function(n, state) inst_LR_helper(state, 360 - n)
inst.R <- function(n, state) inst_LR_helper(state, n)

Finally we can create our function for moving forward. In this case we will take the value from n, but update the class to be that of the current direction from state.

inst.F <- function(n, state) {
  nn <- structure(n, class = state$direction)
  inst(nn, state)

Now we have all the parts we can build our function to solve part 1. We start with an initial state, and keep calling a function on each successive value in the input with the current state. To do this we can use the reduce function.

solve <- function(input, state = initial_state) {
  final_state <- reduce(
    .init = initial_state,
    function (state, instruction) {
      inst(instruction, state)

Checking the sample data:

solve(isample) == 25
## [1] TRUE

We can now run with the actual data:

## [1] 1032

12.2 Part 2

We can now update our instruction functions, our solver should still work.

First we need to update our initial state.

initial_state <- list(waypoint = c(1, 10), position = c(0, 0))

We can cheat a bit on the N/E/S/W functions: we can just change the update position helper function to instead update the waypoint.

inst_NESW_helper <- function(state, p) {
  state$waypoint <- state$waypoint + p

Likewise, we just need to update the L/R helper function. We can use matrix multiplication to rotate our waypoint.

inst_LR_helper <- function(state, r) {
  # r is either 90, 180, 270, and it a clockwise rotation
  rot_mat <- matrix(
    if (r == 90) {
      c(0, 1, -1, 0)
    } else if (r == 180) {
      c(-1, 0, 0, -1)
    } else {
      c(0, -1, 1, 0)
    nrow = 2
  state$waypoint <- (rot_mat %*% state$waypoint)[,1]

We now just need to update the F function.

inst.F <- function(n, state) {
  w <- state$waypoint
  s <- state$position
  state$position <- w * n + s

We should now be in a position to run our solve function again. Checking the sample:

solve(isample) == 286
## [1] TRUE

We can now run with the actual data:

## [1] 156735

Elapsed Time: 0.278s